
This brief guide outlines the basic rules and responsibilities contained in your allotment tenancy agreement along with some helpful tips and information so you can begin to enjoy your allotment as soon as possible.

Things you need to do:

  • An allotment is primarily for the growing of vegetables, fruit and flowers for you and your immediate family enjoyment…. any fruit trees to be grown on dwarf rootstock.
  • The Tenant shall have at least 25% of the allotment garden under cultivation within three months of the start of first year of the tenancy, 50% of the allotment garden under cultivation of crops within 6 months of the start of the first year of the tenancy, and 70% of the allotment garden under cultivation of crops after 12 months of the start of the first year of the tenancy and thereafter.
  • Keep your allotment well maintained and in a proper state of cultivation at all times and keep the allotment paths and surroundings immediately adjoining your plot clean and free from weeds.
  • Display your allotment plot number clearly and prominently on the plot.
  • Not cause any disturbance or nuisance to other allotment holders.
  • Leave the toilet clean and tidy.

Things the Council will do:

  • Work with the Allotment Tenants Committee to address allotment issues, un-cultivated and poorly worked plots and allocation of vacant plots.
  • Provide a water supply within reasonable distance of all plots.
  • Maintain the perimeter fencing and gates.
  • Maintain a waiting list.

Other responsibilities


  • Hosepipes are not allowed.
  • Water troughs are provided by the Council – these should be used with care and any problems reported to the Council. Water butts on your own plot can be used to collect and store your own supply e.g. run off from a shed roof.


  • There is a toilet near the allotment shed on site. The tenants are responsible for keeping the toilet clean, so please leave it as you would wish to find it.


  • Sheds are permitted on your plot; however, please contact the Council for permission prior to erection.


  • You will be issued with a key for the gate, which should be kept locked at all times. A £15 deposit will be paid per key required, with a maximum of 2 keys per tenant.
  • Any suspicious behaviour should be reported to the Council or Allotment Tenants Association.


  • Carpets are not allowed.


  • Bonfires can be lit after 4pm from 1st October to 31st March. From January 2025, bonfires will no longer be permitted.
  • Never leave your bonfire unattended.
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