
Woodley Town Council community speedwatch campaign

Car speedometer

Woodley Town Council is setting up its own Community Speedwatch and is looking for volunteers to join the team

Following a tried and tested scheme in Berkshire, Woodley is the latest council to join and run its own Community Speedwatch, using its own specially-purchased equipment.

The ‘black box’ will be fitted securely for a seven-day period on perceived problem roads and will record data including the date and time, direction of travel and vehicle speed.  This data will be analysed and if speeding is verified, a Speedwatch team will be sent to deploy a radar speed detector with video camera to record and identify the speeding vehicles.  This information will then be passed to the police for further consideration and action.

Working with the local police

Speedwatch is a police-approved and supported scheme. Woodley Town Council is looking for volunteers to help setup and operate the equipment on selected roads. Volunteers will be required to spend an hour at a time using the Council’s equipment and full training will be provided. Local residents are also invited to highlight problem roads, where consistent speeding is witnessed.

Councillor Tom Barker commented: “Many residents are concerned about speeding on Woodley’s roads and now that we have the means to check this, we need residents to tell us where vehicle speeding is a problem and to volunteer to help operate Speedwatch.”

Woodley Town Councillor Tom Barker

To join the Speedwatch team or make them aware of speeding hot spots, please contact Woodley Town Council on 01189 690356 or

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